Wednesday, 1 February 2012

beauty sometimes just is not within

kirsten stewart | TumblrUntitledAnd suddenly I felt nothingBuried Alive.i'm lost †Kristen Stewart Photoshoots and Controversy

I've looked and looked at Kristen Stewart online and I've got to say it was difficult to find images not relating to Twilight or her success because of the franchise. She has a very odd look though I'm finding it difficult to define her. She's not conventional, quite clearly, she does actually represent Bella Swan how Bella Swan sees herself - plain. Obviously the application of make-up does help, but this underlying urge to argue how she even came by the role because of her obvious lack of talent for acting. Harsh, but true. She's beautiful in the way she holds herself, not on camera but she clearly doesn't give a shit, so good for her. The movie the runaways, despite acting, painted her in the better light moving her more to the words artist than plain jane.

I have had this on draft for months and want to change the direction of the blog so I'm more or less fishing out the rubbish from my drafts, then starting over.

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