Monday, 27 June 2011

Some Atonement

I love the scene with Robbie Turner walking through the poppies the movie as part 2 in the novel.

This is only a short one but I have just finished Atonement and I have to say Ian Mcewan is my new favourite authur of the minute along with Tolkien, Stephen King ect... I love the film not being able to refrain myself when it came out from seeing it before reading it. They say thats signing your own death wish as far as enjoying the novel after watching the film, however I loved the book and film for different reasons.

I love Keira Knightly, Remola Garai and Jame Mcavoy, and especially Saoirse Ronan who is a 17 yr old beauty who I cannot wait to see in Hanna having seen The Lovely Bones (having not read the novel, its staring at me from the bookshelf!). However Knightly looks especially elegant and just beautiful in this movie so I couldn't help but show of that lovely green dress.

Just thought this was a funny shot :)

1 comment:

  1. That long, green silk dress is just amazing. Pure perfection!
    Happy Independence Day!
    Midnight Couture Girls
